Tumblr’s very status as a relic of the Internet-easily forgotten, unobtrusively designed, more or less unchanged from a decade ago-is making it appealing to prodigal users as well as new ones. Once prominent, innovative, and shining, on equal footing with any other social-media company, it sank under the waves as it underwent several ownership transfers in the twenty-tens. Tumblr is something like an Atlantis of social networks. It has rejoined her regular rotation of social media, alongside its much more popular competitors Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. “I fell back into it quite easily.” Since then, she has spent time on Tumblr every day. People I followed a long time ago were still posting stuff, which I thought was very strange,” she told me. “My dashboard”-the main Tumblr feed-“was still weirdly active. But during the early months of the pandemic, on a whim, she logged back on. (She is now a photographer in London.) In late 2016, when she left home for university, her Tumblr use trailed off there was plenty of cultural discussion to be found at art school.
#Tumblr pictures 2016 tv
On the site, she would look at GIFs and images from the TV shows “Doctor Who” and its spinoff “Torchwood.” Tumblr was Forward-Hayter’s main access to culture-her rural town had no museums, galleries, or art scene. “Proper picturesque English countryside,” she said.

The machine sat on a dark wooden desk in a hall off the porch. In 2013, when Jennifer Forward-Hayter was fourteen, she would log onto the social network Tumblr from the desktop computer in her family’s working farmhouse in Dorset, England.