This refund should go through within 2 to 3 days and will appear as a credit on your next credit card billing statement.
As the item(s) is/are unavailable for replacement, we've requested a refund for the full amount of this shipment, including shipping costs. At this point, we can only presume that the package was lost during shipping. We're very sorry that your package has not yet arrived.

You should immediately receive an email from Amazon accepting responsibility and promising a refund within 2-3 days. If you have not received your package at least 3 days after the expected delivery date, we suggest you request a refund at the next screen after selecting contact us. Occasionally packages arrive a day or more after they are expected, but it looks like something may have gone wrong here. If you select Contact Us, you may see another screen Where’s My Package? Followed by an Amazon message.

Amazon Logistics delivery service may have shipped your order via pony express, messenger, or drone. You can only view the status of the tracking number by clicking details in your order details because the tracking number is internal to Amazon. You may also see the package was shipped with AMZL_US or Amazon Logisticsand contain a tracking number. You can wait another couple of days or sign in to view more options.

Package are rarely this late and we’re sorry yours still hasn’t arrive. After selecting track package, you may receive a message similar to below. If you recently ordered an Amazon, you may notice your order has an “expected delivery date” and not an exact delivery date.